Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cursed, blessed Sunday afternoon nap

I love Sunday afternoon naps. I took one today, and limited it to just under 2 hours. I forced myself not to doze back off too many times after I woke up so I wouldn't be up late, un-sleepy.

Didn't work.

I was so pleased with myself that I was getting into bed by 10, tomorrow being the first day back to school after Christmas break. Ah well. Too many things in my brain:

Mmm, bed. Warm. Comfortable. Sleep. Should I tackle Abby's room tomorrow? It'll take a couple of weeks to clean it up and get it rearranged to put Cora in it. No, better do the dining nook/game closet downstairs first.

Roll over

I need to advertise my vacancies first. But the last ads I posted got no hits. I need to visit other complexes to figure out how low I can drop my prices. Hm. Tomorrow would be a great time, because the kids will be in school and Riah's not working. I could go alone!

Snore from beside me.

We should take pictures of us at our 'before' state. How actively do I want to get this weight off? I hate jiggling. Gross. Slim Fast for the intense drop then eating right later? Unhealthy. I'll take the big plates out of my cupboard. Use only the salad plates and no seconds.


What to eat? Buy that program I saw online? No. Maybe just pull out all of the eating plans that we have already--SouthTurboHipHopBeachZone Diet, here we come! Wonder if I can find a Joel Fuhrman book at Half Price Books.


Exercise. Need to do that. Rollerblade tag was fun New Year's Day with the kids on scooters. Maybe I could use the kids' new jump ropes. If I don't get in better shape before I get pregnant again, how miserable will that be? And Riah's sure he'll kick up early if he doesn't decrease his gut.

Cough from down the hall.

Crap. I hope Lee's not getting sick. What bills are due before we get paid? Wonder which is righter: the checkbook or the bank? How long will the spare tire hold out on the van?


Rustling sounds from the crib at the foot of the bed, accompanied by light whimpers.

Snore, followed by a gentle-ish jostling from me.

Irritated "Why?"
"The baby's sleeping lightly and you're snoring loudly."

Deep breathing

Why am I not sleeping? This is annoying. I'm tired, why can't I sleep? Hope the baby doesn't wake up.


Jacob or Edward? Who would I choose if it were me? Edward's got dazzle, but Jacob's good to snuggle.


There are a lot of group camping sites in the state without running water. Wonder why that is. If there's a group of people doing actual tent camping, I'm pretty sure that they'll want water. The vault toilets last year at Fort Flagler were barely less icky than a sani-can, but I can live with that. Water, however, is a must.


Someone recently posted something about putting menthol on foot soles for coughing. I should look that up.


I love aubreyannie's blog. I really like the personalized touches she added. Chicklegirl just made some changes, too. How do I do that? I need to have aubrey over for an afternoon so she can tutor me. I'll bribe her with some sort of yumminess. And a play date for the boys.



I've heard that if you can't sleep that you should write down all the things in your brain and throw them in the garbage or burn them or something. Maybe I should just make a list of things to do. Or maybe just blog them...

So here I sit, 40 minutes later. Only time will tell if it worked. What do you do when your brain won't shut off?


  1. Drugs. I am 100% a product of the middle-aged, find help in bottle, American consumer. Sad, but if I'm pretty sure my arthritic hip in going to wake me up with radiating pain to my knee, allowing my overactive, nocturnal mind to get the best of me, I take my sleep aid. Of course, that is not what it is prescribed for. It is an anti-anxiety med. but it is too good at putting me to sleep that I can only take it before bed. Plus, the only time I truly feel anxious is at 2:30am, after my hip woke me up, and I am thinking about how to get people to come to our General PTSA Meeting at the school, or when I can get this da*$*% hip fixed. Hate to admit it Dyann, but drugs.

  2. Reading the "Isaiah chapters" in 2 Nephi. Works every time. Or scrubbing the toilet. Or waking up your husband for a quickie (post-coital cuddles are a great sleep aid). Sorry--maybe TMI?

    And I've heard that blogging or surfing the net when you've got insomnia are a bad idea because the light from the screen stimulates your brain and in fact prevents getting sleepier. So if you're going to write down all the stuff you can't stop thinking about, best to do it old-school style with pencil and paper.

  3. So entertaining, this was. (Hey, I just did yoda-style!)

  4. Oh, and I see you as a Jacob-type.

  5. your comment on my facebook page reminded me i hadn't checked your blog in a while. goodness sakes, i love it so. i mean, really. a lot.

  6. and i'm with chicklegirl..surfing and blogging and facebooking late at night only makes it harder for me to go to sleep.

  7. and jacob. of course. who wants to snuggle with an ice cold hunk of granite was it?
