Monday, May 16, 2011

The Miracle Unveiled

So, living here in this smelly old house with ants as neighbors, drafty windows that are hard to open, and a definite settling problem has sometimes had me wondering where the miracle was.

I mean, God in all his omnipotence could have given us something way more upscale when we prayed for our miracle leaving our old apartment. But he stuck us in a bachelor pad, of all crazy places. Why, oh why, oh why?

It all became clear yesterday.

Our Live-in Landlord came home yesterday evening from taking his 5yo daughter back to her mom after her fun-filled weekend here. (It was a little crazy having 2 Abbys in the house, but the kids all enjoyed themselves...alot.) He then announced quite out of the blue that he convinced his parents to delay putting the house on the market for a few weeks so the kids can finish school here. My response went something like this:

Shocked pause
"Wow. Thank you. That would be great. I could kiss you, but that'd be weird.
"Did Riah say something to you?"
Him: "Nope, this is all me."

I don't know if he was just thinking of his own daughter or putting himself in Abby & Alex's small shoes, or if he overheard me telling the kids that I'd try to keep them here but we may pull them out early. I don't know. But I do know one thing--despite his imperfect halo, he's an angel!

So the kids can finish school with their friends (can you say, 'closure?'), they can complete their in-school projects, and we can go to all the end-of-school parties we want!

Thank You, Lord, for the miracle.

(And PS--it looks like we'll probably pack the truck the 17th (last day) & head to Spokane for the summer or forever or until Riah starts Nursing School...wherever that is.)


  1. Love those tender mercies--in my experience, it's often the little miracles that mean the most.

  2. Wow... just love it when God works behind the scenes and we finally get a glimpse of it!

    Though I would like you to get yourself back to the western half so we can actually see eachother sometime :)
