Friday, October 22, 2010

Letters On the Road

Linking up with Julie at Foursons for this week's...


Dear Pedestrians,

You have the right of way. I am bigger and faster and deadlier and will keep an eye out for you and your well-being.

I am aware that when you're in a crosswalk, it is illegal for a vehicle to drive through that same crosswalk. But when a car is stopped, backing up traffic, waiting to turn until you're safely across the street, do you mind picking up the pace to a walk instead of mosey?

Itchy Right Foot


Dear Bikers,

I will share the road.

I don't mind it. I think it's great that you are getting exercise, reducing emissions and saving the world. Good for you! I have no problem with you on the side of my lane, and I will always make sure that I give you a little extra space. Heck! Certain areas in Seattle now have green boxes at the intersections that are only for cyclists!

That said, as long as you're throwing a tantrum to be given equal rights on the road, do you mind obeying the rules? If I did half the ridiculous things that I've seen you do, I'd have my license revoked! That big red roundish sign with the little corners and white letters means STOP!!!

Equality means Equality.


And though not a letter, a conversation with Lee that fits the theme:

"Mom, that girl just ran across the street."
"Yep. She made it safely, but probably should have waited until we passed."
"Yeah. Just like on Frogger."


  1. Oh my gosh - you dinnt!!! You finally caved and joined King Julien's fun! I am so glad you did!

    And Julie... let me introduce my very own Dyannie! Probably the only one in all of blogdom that can tell you that I'm crazy for reals :)

    Dyann - you totally stole the words out of my fingers. Mr. Daddy is usually ready to run over the slowpoke pedestrians and bicycling scofflaws!

    And I love that Lee of yours!

  2. Well hi Dyann! So glad to have you join in and I must say that I'm jealous of your IRL relationship with Rachel. You'll have to give me all the dirt that she doesn't dish on her blog.

    Apparently Seattle is much friendlier to bicyclists and pedestrians than the town I live in. A few miles north in the capital city I would find accomodations for people who wish to travel in such a manner, but not in my town. :)

    Thanks for linking up, so nice to "meet" you.

  3. As a sometimes slowpoke pedestrian, I still have to agree. When I was sick and couldn't walk very quickly, I was always embarrassed to cross the street. However, I made sure to mosey even slower if they honked.
